Top 3 Reasons People Can’t Start Making Money Online Now
People give themselves all sorts of excuses on why they aren’t making as much money as they should, why they aren’t as happy as they should be or why they haven’t fully lived up to their full potential. The truth is that if somebody can do something that you desire, it means that you can do it. The fact that something is doable is proven by the fact somebody did it. It makes sense right? Anybody with a brain can figure that out. Unfortunately, people are emotional creatures. We like to build mental prisons for ourselves. We are either lazy to move beyond our comfort zones to make all sorts of justifications and excuses that it makes it harder for ourselves to actually step up to the plate and live the lives we are fully capable of living. The difference between a beggar and a rich man is inconsequential. A beggar has the same brain and physiology. In fact, in many situations, the beggar is more intelligent than the rich man. The difference is focused on excuses, values and mindsets. So if you are serious about making money online now, you have to get beyond these excuses and really start taking action so that you can start living the life that you deserve.
Here are the top 3 reasons people give themselves that prevent them from making money online
1. “I don’t have the skills set”
Most people who become millionaires don’t start off with the skills sets that eventually make them millionaires. What they did start out with is the desire and the value system that gave them the energy to learn the skills set. The truth is that anything is learnable. You can learn to be the top salesman or the no.1 traffic generator on the Internet. Anything is learnable if you have a brain and normal intelligence, you can learn it. The only thing preventing you from this is the excuse that you can’t learn. It is beyond you.
2. “I don’t have money”
As the old saying goes, “Time is money”. So if you don’t have money but time, you have money. When it comes to driving traffic and building websites, you can substitute time or money. You don’t need money to have hosting. There are many free hosting websites. You don’t have to have money to have a blog. WordPress is free. Money is really no excuse when it comes to making money online. You won’t get it free. But it is really a small investment. You need webhosting and a domain. You get both on Bluehost and you really need nothing else to start. With time you may want some more comfort and invest in further tools but for now, you just need a domain and web hosting.
3. I don’t have the passion
If you lack the motivation to take action now so you can start making money online, there is really nothing anybody can help you. Without desire, energy and passion you are basically sinking. That is why it is really important that if you feel that you lack motivation to pressure yourself into finding it. Either that, or look at business models and find parts that is truly attractive to you and focus on it. The only reason why you have a lack of motivation is that you haven’t found the niche you are truly passionate about. As soon as you find it basically nothing can stop you.
Filed in: Blog • Blogging Tips
Clearly said one of the main reason is Lack of Passion. Also you can add one more points that is lack of Trust and this is something major. People never believe that one can earn money online and once they see money then they go completely into it.
Thanks for this topic
Hi!! there are many ways to make money online, but if you are just starting out it can get confusing which way to go, i’m not even talking about how you’re going to advertise your website??
There are so many out there, most of them are not what they say they are, and you’ll only end up losing money.
I can recommend many for you, but you’ll also need some advertising sources to advertise to, otherwise no one will ever see your website or product.
Thanks for sharing this post with us!
The biggest issue with advertising your website with money is the cost. Most of us starts off with little or no money. The challenge is how can we build without resources on hand except our mind.
Another great post about making money online! Learning to use the internet for income can be really hard. There’s a lot of information to learn and most of it is heavily guarded to protect one’s own niche. If anyone is discouraged I highly suggest taking some time to re-evaluate your personal process and learning some tricks to improve. You can only get better!
Thanks for the great post!
Great Article. As a Newbie Blogger, I gained so much knowledge! Thank You so much for sharing all these valuable Information.
Clearly said one of the main objective is Lack of Attention. Also you can add one more aspects that is lack of Believe in and this is something important. People never believe that one can make money online and once they see money then they go definitely into it.
Another great post about making money online! Learning to use the internet for income can be really hard. There’s a lot of information to learn and most of it is heavily guarded to protect one’s own niche. If anyone is discouraged I highly suggest taking some time to re-evaluate your personal process and learning some tricks to improve. You can only get better!
Thanks for the great post!
Now a days online is the the great place of income money. so thanks you best tips.
Really inspired from your story in about us. And yes now a days internet is the best place for earning money. Here are lot of ways and channels to earn money but the thing we should have is passion and self confidence.
One who wants to start to earn online must be never thinking of these things because it really demotivates the person to step forward
Another reason people don’t make money online is they lack persistence. Keep focused on your goal, be willing to learn new skills and give it time.
Everyone wants to know that why they can’t start making money online ad the reasons you have mentioned is very correct and good and the lack of passion is really a big reason.
Hi Monja , your post is so nice , Your post is important for online earning go ahead.
Awesome article. Rightly said, if instead of giving all sort of excuses, we start working on our dreams, we are sure to reach them.I was looking for quit sometime to start making money online but had doubts or was making excuses out of those doubts.It was a great help.Thanks a lot for the good read.