Lead Generation Campaigns For Your Way To Success
You most probably have heard the common phrase that the money is in the list. And yes, it is true – not just in the past but still today. If you have a big list you have a connection to hundreds or even thousands of people in minutes and they are all interested in your products are services. As a business owner, these are the people you want to talk to. However, finding those people can be a challenge. Here is a list of how to implement successful lead generation campaigns. At least this is what worked for me and I’m sure it will for you as well, no matter in what business you are in.
1. You need to identify your ideal customer
Ideally, you are your target customer and do something that really interests you. So you know what people in your niche want and need. If not, you can research that. You can check out the questions and comments in forums and answer those problems on your website. The more you can help your customer, the better your business will be.
2. Create a high value give away
We all love freebies. And if you create an eBook for your customer it is really just a one time investment. You set up your eBook or course and people can access the information right away. No additional cost to you and they will love free, high quality stuff. We all do. And if something like that is of a high value they come back and purchase your product. Because if you give something of value away for free, how good is then your product?
It doesn’t have to be an eBook, you can also give away:
- An interview (transcript and audio)
- A video
- A downloadable course
- An audio file
- A worksheet or workbook
- A checklist, blueprint or template
This list does not have to limit your imagination. You can get even more creative. We for example give a way a 30 Days Blog Action Plan you’ll love! Take a look at what your prospects need and then brainstorm how you can solve their problems with a giveaway. You can also provide them with an autoresponder e-course delivered over a period of time. This ensures consistent communication until the course ends.
3. Create a compelling opt-in form
You have a few choices here. You can create a form and place it on your landing page. The form can be simple and straightforward with a benefit and a call to action. Make sure you put the right text in your opt-in form. The best you can do is adding a why people should download your free product. Does it solve a problem? Which? This way they know upfront if it is worth to get on your list.
You can insert the form on your website, have it slide over, pop up or pop under ñ itís your decision. You may want to test and track which method offers the highest conversion rate. You can create a squeeze page. To be honest with you, I don’t like squeeze pages much. They just focus on getting me on the list. And I most probably won’t do that before I haven’t build trust to the person on the website so I personally really prefer to have an opt-in on my sidebar or at the bottom of the page. It might be less effective but really, I don’t want to overwhelm my visitors. I want them to join my page because they like the site rather than because a squeeze page tells them.
Whatever you do, actually what you want is an email address from your prospect. Ask for as less information possible such as the first name and email. That’s it. The less the better. The less the more likely we are willing to subscribe.
4. Marketing your offer
It doesn’t matter how nice your opt-in box is or how much value you offer your visitors. If nobody visits your site you fight on your last stand. So market your offer. Post on forums, do some blog commenting and always link to an article on your site. Make sure you use different sites and make sure you do whatever you go for regularly. The more you spread the word about your free offer the more people will come. You can also do the all time favorite guest blogging and of course submitting your offer to e.g. Slideshare (in Powerpoint format) and on other sites. Be creative, the more you can tell others about it, the better it is 😀
Love each and every subscriber you get. Thank your subscriber for signing up and provide them with an abundance of value. Make sure they never regret adding their name to your list. You can use a service such as Aweber. With the help of that email marketing service you can set up your campaign once and never worry about it again because it gets automatically delivered.
Start your lead generation campaigns now, you can’t lose but win 🙂
Filed in: Blog • Email List Building