LFM004 Podcast: How your Money Mindset sabotages your Success

February 5, 2015 0 Comments

10933265_625403584248145_550425262_nI’ve had such a pleasure today to have Maria Hinton on the Podcast. Maria is a Money Mindset Coach and while speaking to her she will discover your money mindset and why you are maybe not set up for success. In our childhood, youth but also as adults we learn so many things about money. Maybe you hear that all people who own money are devil or superficial. This might get manifested in your mind and you always feel bad when you own money. So many things Maria says totally make sense and I find myself in it all the time – I do not really feel guilty about money but once I have it I feel like it most probably will be gone very soon. And yes, then it is. 10934641_625403520914818_1971829967_n

So actually my money mind set is totally wrong and here is where Maria comes in. She will show you in our Podcast the first exercises you can do against your money blocks. One way to get rid of your feelings is a vision board. If you have ever learned a foreign language you know what works best: Surrounding yourself with the words you should learn all the time. You make little post its and put them wherever you are – on the mirror in the bathroom, next to your bed, in the kitchen, basically you do not get around looking at the vocabulary. And the more you see the words, the more they get into your head.

The same applies to nearly each and everything you get reminded on all the time – it sticks to your head the more you are remembered. That is why meditation is so effective. Maria highly recommends to have a morning routine with some meditation included. It helps you tremendously to prepare for the 10942277_625403564248147_202812800_nday because your mind calms down, you focus better on the things that need to get done and, last but not least, you remember yourself about everything you want to focus on. There are special meditation guides but basically you can use all kind of meditation music here. I for example like those from Oprah while Maria recommends Financial Abundance by Jerry Hicks. You can also checkout iTunes to load it directly on your phone.

Beside meditation you should also create a vision board. Maria talks about those in depth. Vision Boards manifest your dreams and desires. It doesn’t matter if those dreams are unrealistic right now, the only thing that counts is that you put it on a board, where you glue all the pictures on you want to visualise. Just make sure you look at them wherever you are.

If you want to dig into this any deeper you may want to check out Maria’s Group “Back in the Black” on Facebook.

Here are a few more Resources:

  • Money – Master the Game by Tony Robbins (new and soooo good!)
  • Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (a must read classic)
  • Secrets of a Six Figure Woman (just started to read it – GREAT)

10934668_625403547581482_2131489710_nMaria was so sweet to give us some exercises we can do to improve our money mindset. Just click on the links and a PDF will open for you to download the file to your computer.

Thanks, Maria for an amazing session and I really hope you’ll all enjoy listening to it as well.

If you want to visit Maria – go to her website here


Filed in: Podcast

About the Author ()

I'm Monja, the owner of several websites, amongst others Digidesignresort.com and CMDacademy.de. I make my money online since 2011 and as a teacher I love to teach others how to do the same - personally. You can connect with me here and on Google +

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