Tips on How to Make Money Online

May 16, 2013 0 Comments

make-money-onlineThe idea of making money online is very attractive and appealing to many people. In fact, it could be quite seductive. Who doesn’t want to make money while kicking back at home playing Xbox or when you are sleeping? I know I do. The thing is that making money online is actually harder than that. If you want to make money online, you have to first realize that it is serious business. You really have to commit yourself to this. If you do it – first – on the side you need to get up from the sofa while your spouse is watching TV. I know it’s hard but it is so well worth. Because once you have a business up and running it is so satisfying to know that you work on your own pace. You can take a day off whenever you want and sometimes you just dig into it and work 10, 12 or 14 hours. But when life happens – your business is still running. You need to know the the advantages to get over the beginnings. Especially the beginning is a hard school.

Here are my tips on how to make money online:

1. Focus on reselling

If you are trying to cut your teeth on making money online, and you’re fairly new to the game, focus on reselling. This means that you look for places where prices are cheap and places where prices are high. Buy stuff where it is cheap and sell it where prices are high. The most common way to do this is to look for cheap services, outsourcing websites or sites like and then re-sell these services at websites that are frequented by people who will pay top dollar for these services. Craigslist is a classic place to resell services. There are many employment websites that are looking for freelancers and you can resell there. The downside to this is that you have to know what you are doing. Give yourself a lot of time for trial and error because you are not going to hit the ball right at the first time you step up on the plate. There’s going to be a lot of problems and mistakes, but as long as you are willing to learn, this is a great model to apply.

2. Copy what works.

I am not advocating plagiarism. Don’t get me wrong. I am not saying that you should be a copycat, but you have to pay attention to stuff that works if you are trying to build a list. List building is probably the most profitable and easiest way to make money online. It is much better than reselling stuff. Reselling is for newbies. List building is for intermediate players which yields a lot more money. But if you want to cut your teeth into building effective list that makes money over and over, you need to get on many different lists. Pay attention to the ads being sent out. Take a look at the information that they actually send to their list members and see if you can replicate that. Look at the principle behind instead of copying text for text and letter for letter.

3. How to Make Money Online by Branding

This is the highest form of making money online. You need to build an online brand. When you have achieved brand status, you can pretty much print your money. Remember, big guys like professional bloggers have to start from somewhere. They were nobodies. They started building reputation until they have become powerful online brands. You can do the same thing. The key to the process is to give people the high-quality content that they need. If you keep at it for a long period of time, you will eventually become a brand.

Remember, whatever model you choose, it will take time and dedication. Getting a new business out of the ground without giving up after a month or two requires a strong will. Make sure you love your topic because if you don’t you are much more likely to give up.

If you need a mentor along the way, the best idea is to join the Living For Mondays Academy. I make money online since 2007 and I do it full-time since 2011. As you can see, it took me some time to build up my business and quit my previous business. I’m not a guru or anything like that, but I can hold your hand when it gets challenging.

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About the Author ()

I'm Monja, the owner of several websites, amongst others and I make my money online since 2011 and as a teacher I love to teach others how to do the same - personally. You can connect with me here and on Google +

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