SEO copywriting tips to help you improve rankings and conversions

May 23, 2013 2 Comments

seo-copywriting-tipsIf you are reading this article you are probably already aware that there are a lot of SEO copywriting tips on the internet. In fact, there’s just too much of them and the funny thing is that they all say the same thing – paying attention to where you put the keywords, how to structure the paragraphs of your blog posts, and how to stuff keywords into your article or blog post. In this article, we’re not just going to regurgitate the same old advice. In fact, a lot of that advice no longer applies because of the Panda Update. The rule after the Panda Update is that quality matters, and since social media mentions are being factored into your blog posts rankings, it is even more imperative that your blog posts reach a certain level of quality. So, for these SEO copywriting tips (this link goes to Karon Thackston’s intensive course about copywriting), we are going to focus on that magical element called quality.

But what is quality in an article?

Actually, quality means that we give our readers a lot of value and information about a specific topic. Imagine this: you have a specific question, you go to Google, you type it in and you get results. What is the best result for you? The one which answers your question, right? And depending on what you are looking for you might need something that is more specific and detailed.  And even if you don’t need that right now, you still need the answer to your question. So quality is different each search request. Quality means that my question is answered. So when you write a blog post have the reader in mind who is looking an answer in your text. When you structure a text have these questions your reader could have about that topic in mind. Add headings where you ask these questions and answer them in each paragraph.

SEO Copywriting Tips for quality blog posts

1) Engaging the reader emotionally

If we stick to the picture given above, what will make that person who scrolls through your text stay? Of course, the right answer. But right after that it will be your spelling style. How do you connect with your reader? Do you know what he feels when he is looking for the answer in your text? Maybe he is desperate and really needs help. Let your reader know that you understand him, tell him your own story if necessary. Of course this all depends on the topic but getting a bit more personal than others may do is a great idea. Stories connect and make people stay with you.

2) No Keyword driven blog posts

Don’t forget – you write for humans, not search engines. If you satisfy your readers they will come back. So be sure you write for them. The search engines are just your way to reach your readers. The search engines’ job is to give your reader the best possible solution for their problems. So you need to tell them what your post is about but don’t overdo that. This means you have to use related keywords to your main keywords, you don’t just stuff your blog post with the same keyword over and over again. Most importantly, you have to get the attention of your reader, which means you need to have an emotional trigger for the title of your blog post.

3) Being useful

Bottom line is that your blog post needs to be useful. It has to say something that a reader needs to hear and the reader is looking for. It has to be useful on that basis or else, your reader will just bounce out. Remember, Panda is factoring in bounce rate as well. So, if people constantly bounce out of your article then search engines are going to get tipped off to the fact that your blog post is probably not worth reading, and then you will get penalized.

4) Use different media

We are lucky. Our Internet is fast enough to deliver video, audio, slideshows, and infographics. Make use of them. Different people like different media. Also, for you it is much more interesting if you use different media for your articles. Write your post but read it out additionally and add it to your podcasts. Make an infographic from your video or make a video from your blog post. That is the great thing about being a blogger. You can be really creative 🙂

If writing doesn’t come to you naturally you might like to join Karon Thackston’s Copywriting Course. Karon tells you how to engage your reader emotionally and basically how to find the right words for your posts. Check out her course here or go here if you would like to find out what to expect (I made a video about the backend because I really love the course and often go back and refresh what I learned).

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About the Author ()

I'm Monja, the owner of several websites, amongst others and I make my money online since 2011 and as a teacher I love to teach others how to do the same - personally. You can connect with me here and on Google +

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  1. Esther Paul says:

    Most important thing to do after having a nice blog is to spread it through different media. Many in real start spreading it through social media most of the time but the best way to spread a site is through video site, social networking site, web directories etc.

  2. It’s all about good content and providing value to the visitor. That will make your rank increase. Good content here I agree.


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